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Investment Options

Super Pre-mix

Our pre-mixed super options are designed to make investing easier for you. Simply choose the option that matches your comfort with risk, and we’ll handle the rest.

Returns as at 31 October 2024
High Growth
Risk Band [1]
6 (High)
Suggested Minimum Timeframe
An investment time horizon is the time period where one expects to hold an investment for a specific goal. Investments are generally broken down into two main categories: growth (riskier – such as stocks) and defensive (less risky – such as bonds). The longer the time horizon, the more aggressive, or riskier, a portfolio an investor can build.

15 years

Recent returns [2]
One year
Fees Per Year [3]
1.025% +$72
Risk Band [1]
6 (High)
Suggested Minimum Timeframe
An investment time horizon is the time period where one expects to hold an investment for a specific goal. Investments are generally broken down into two main categories: growth (riskier – such as stocks) and defensive (less risky – such as bonds). The longer the time horizon, the more aggressive, or riskier, a portfolio an investor can build.

12 years

Recent returns [2]
One year
Fees Per Year [3]
1.015% +$72
Balanced Growth
Risk Band [1]
6 (High)
Suggested Minimum Timeframe
An investment time horizon is the time period where one expects to hold an investment for a specific goal. Investments are generally broken down into two main categories: growth (riskier – such as stocks) and defensive (less risky – such as bonds). The longer the time horizon, the more aggressive, or riskier, a portfolio an investor can build.

10 years

Recent returns [2]
One year
Fees Per Year [3]
1.015% +$72
Risk Band [1]
4 (Medium)
Suggested Minimum Timeframe
An investment time horizon is the time period where one expects to hold an investment for a specific goal. Investments are generally broken down into two main categories: growth (riskier – such as stocks) and defensive (less risky – such as bonds). The longer the time horizon, the more aggressive, or riskier, a portfolio an investor can build.

3 years

Recent returns [2]
One year
Fees Per Year [3]
0.935% +$72
Risk Band [1]
2 (Low)
Suggested Minimum Timeframe
An investment time horizon is the time period where one expects to hold an investment for a specific goal. Investments are generally broken down into two main categories: growth (riskier – such as stocks) and defensive (less risky – such as bonds). The longer the time horizon, the more aggressive, or riskier, a portfolio an investor can build.

2 years

Recent returns [2]
One year
Fees Per Year [3]
0.865% +$72

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1 The Risk Band is based on regulated Standard Risk Measure guidelines.
2 Returns are not guaranteed and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Returns are 1 year returns to 31 July 2024 and are calculated net of investment fees and transaction costs and an allowance for tax on investment income.
3 Fees are correct as at 1 June 2024. You may be eligible for a reduction in the asset administration fee deducted directly from your account depending on the size of your employer’s plan. Other fees and costs may apply, including activity fees, advice fees (for personal advice) and insurance fees (where applicable). Please read the Product Disclosure Statement for more information. We reserve the right to change our fees and/or costs in future. Estimated fees and costs are subject to change from time to time and changes to estimates may be published on the website. We recommend that you regularly check the website for updated fees and costs information.